Trip and Fall Lawyer Rockland County – Segan, Nemerov & Singer P.C
A trip and fall lawyer will tell you that most of these accidents happen on property owned by governmental entities, companies or individuals. These entities have a duty to ensure that their premises are safe. Seen or unseen dangers such as disrepair, poor maintenance, debris or potholes can cause a trip and fall injury. Usually these accidents could have been avoided had the entity that owned the premises maintained or repaired the problem or had warned the victim of the danger.
The Rockland County trip and fall lawyers of Segan, Nemerov & Singer P.C have recovered millions of dollars for clients injured in trip-and-fall accidents and for other injuries to cover their medical bills, lost earnings, pain and suffering, and more.
Most trip and fall cases turn on whether the property owner had “notice” of the tripping hazard. The issue of whether the owner had “notice”, in legal talk, means whether he “knew or should have known” of the tripping danger. If the injured trip-and-fall victim can prove “notice”, and the owner failed to fix or remedy the tripping hazard, then it follows that the owner did not act reasonably, failed in his duty, and is liable for the injuries. Owners of residential, commercial and recreational properties all have the duty to keep their property safe and warn people of any dangerous conditions.
Physical harm sustained from these types of accidents can range from broken bones, or depending in the severity of the fall, spinal injuries, head trauma or wrongful death. It is very common as a result of an unexpected fall to hit your head which can result in brain injury with long term neurological problems. If you or a loved one has suffered from a trip and fall injury, call the Rockland County slip and fall lawyer of Segan, Nemerov & Singer PC at 212.696.9100 for a FREE CONSULTATION.